Alion Baltic Internation Music Festival 2018

Student Jobs

Work-study scholarships at Alion Baltic Festival help to bridge the gap between the festival's cost and the applicant's available financial resources.

Work-study scholarships are in the areas of festival's operations. You will be instructed by the festival's chief coordinator, Ms. Nataly Becker, by phone/skype on how to handle the work-study you choose.

Work-studies operate on the basis of first-come, first serve. So, if you need a scholarship, please let us know soon.

SCHEDULING COORDINATOR - You must possess a laptop computer. (Knowledge of Languages is a plus)

  • Maintaining festival's daily schedules (both electronically to the festival's facebook page, by email AND on paper):
      *daily lessons with Professors - rooms/times scheduling
      *master classes
      *chamber music lessons/rehearsals
      *Alion Baltic orchestra rehearsals
  • (Printing with ink will be provided)
  • Posting the list of chamber music groups/Professors
  • Coordinating and scheduling programs for students' concerts (in Tallinn and outside)
  • Coordinating and scheduling order of performance at the II Alion Baltic International Music Competition (July 12-13 AND/OR July 29-30)

OFFICE (Knowledge of Languages is a plus)
  • Helping at the Festival's weekly orientations:
      *working the registration table
      *Handing out students' individual schedules
      *Handing out IDs to Students/Faculty
      *Handing out Welcome Packages
  • Emailing/Communication
  • Proof-reading in English of programs and other documents (if needed).

  • Ushering
  • ticket-taking
  • equipment set-up at Alion Baltic Faculty/Artists in Residence concerts

  • COUNSELING (Knowledge of Languages is a plus)
    • planning and organizing group activities (concerts trips outside of Tallinn, excursions, The Career Advancement seminar)
    • enforcing Alion Baltic Policies policies (You will be instructed by Michael Bulychev-Okser prior to the festival)
    • acting as a liaison between Faculty and students to help them with specific needs
    • Coordinating and processing welcome meetings for student groups and selected Professors in Lennart Meri Airport, working in a liaison with Festival drivers.

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